ABU DHABI: Shihabudheen K.P. may be just a watchman, but he’s invented gadgets that could make a scientist proud.
And he’s just a 10th grader.
One of his brilliant ideas is operating the front gate with his cellphone.
For instance, when there is someone at the gate of the villa where he works, he merely dials a number on his cellphone and, lo and behold, the huge iron gates swing open.
The electronic gate is connected to a gadget Shihabudheen devised two months ago using a mobile phone.
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“You can open the gate by dialing from any number that is pre-saved on the mobile installed with the device.
My number is saved and now I can operate the gate even if I am in India,” says the 27-year old genius from Kerala, who only has school-level education.
“It just saves time for everyone. I do not have to run to the gate everytime someone rings the bell.
Even if I am outside, I can open the gate for them by dialing the number from my phone,” Shihabudheen said.
A mobile phone with an activated sim, a capacitor, adaptor, resistor and two timers complete his high-tech device installed in a rudimentary black box kept in a room adjacent to the gate.
There is also a timer attached to the device so that the gate automatically opens if guests ring the bell between 4 and 7pm when the majlis is held every evening.
At all other times, the watchman gets a call on his mobile when the doorbell rings, alerting him that there is someone at the gate.
An alarm also goes off.
Shihabudheen says his gadget that costs just Dh450 can be connected to air conditioners, television sets, refrigerators or any other appliances.
“You can turn a device on or off by dialing a number from your mobile.
“It can also alert you about thieves when they try to break in,” he added.
The self-taught whiz-kid, whose one-room accommodation is strewn with wires and gadgets, has also installed a similar device to a shutter door of the stilt parking at a neighbour’s villa in Abu Dhabi.
And these are just two of the inventions by this self-taught man who says he is passionate about science.
“I used to score well in science. But I did not go to college after I finished Grade 10.
Whatever I make is based on my school-level science,” said Shihabudheen, whose latest invention is an alarm fixed to the ceiling that automatically rings at 4am.
Two years ago, he invented a device that could automatically operate motors that pump water.
“I made the device in order to help my family.
“All my inventions are useful in our daily life. It takes me two to three months and it takes a lot of trial and error before I get it right.”
We will now need to wait until next season to do further examinations but what we have seen thus far has excited all of us.
Abu Dhabi Gate
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