Commander-in-Chief President Jakaya Mrisho Kikwete is received by the
Chief of Defence Forces General Davis Mwamunyange as he arrives to
officiate at the Tanzania National Defence College's Second Course
2013/14 Valedictory function at Kunduchi in Dar es salaam on Saturday
July 26, 2014. Looking on centre is the College Commandant Lieutenant
General (Engr) Charles Lawrence Makakala

Commander-in-Chief President Jakaya Mrisho Kikwete shakes hands with the
Minister for Defence and National Service Dr Hussein Mwinyi as he
arrives to officiate at the Tanzania National Defence College's Second
Course 2013/14 Valedictory function at Kunduchi in Dar es salaam on
Saturday July 26, 2014. Looking on centre is the College Commandant
Lieutenant General Jamaes Makakala
The Commander-in-Chief President Jakaya Mrisho Kikwete shakes hands with the Chief Secretary Ambassador Ombeni Sefue
The Commander-in-Chief President Jakaya Mrisho Kikwete shakes hands with the Chief of Staff Lt. General Samuel Albert Ndomba
The Commander-in-Chief President Jakaya Mrisho Kikwete shakes hands with one of the college's lecturers
The Commander-in-Chief President Jakaya Mrisho Kikwete shakes hands with one of the colleges's senior staff
Commander-in-Chief President Jakaya Mrisho Kikwete is flanked by the CDF
and College Commandant as they head towards the holding room for
The Commander-in-Chief President Jakaya Mrisho Kikwete signs the guest book
The Commander-in-Chief President Jakaya Mrisho Kikwete and his hosts head to the Valedictory function area
The Nationl Anthem is played
The 30 graduands salute
A mosaic of uniforms from the international graduands who hail from nine different countries
Commandant Lieutenant General Jamaes Makakala asks the guest of honour
to declare the function as open, before he proceeds to confer the
prestigious "NDC" symbol to the graduands
The 30 graduands await patiently
Part of the college lecturers
The graduands
More graduands
Cool as cucumber the graduands await for the laurels
The graduants await for the conferment of their Masters Degree and Diploma in Security and Strategic Studies
More graduands
Part of the invited guests
A section of guest lecturers
Some of the retired and active senior JWTZ officers
Invited guests
Senior officers and guests
More invited guests
Senior police and army officers
Members of the Diplomatic corps
Members of the Diplomatic corps keenly follow up the proceedings
Another side view of the graduands
More graduands
Part of the college's guest lecturers
Prof Ibrahim Lipumba was one of the guest lecturers during the course
College Commandant Lieutenant General Jamaes Makakala confers the prestigious "NDC" symbol to the graduands
Degrees and diplomas ready for conferment
The graduands rise to attention as Degrees and diplomas are conferred to them
The conferment of degrees and diplomas starts
A colonel from Rwands receives his Diploma and handshake from the Commander-in-Chief
A senior Prisons officer is conferred
Women were well represented
The tallest of the granduands from Nigeria is conferred
Another lady is conferred
Top student from JWTZ is awarded
A souvenir group photo of the guest of honour, top bras and graduands
The guest of honour with the graduands
A quick visit to the lockers before donning the ceremonial gowns for session two of the function
"...Oh please my dear locker open up pleaseeee...."
Cultural entertainment from the gallant JWTZ troupe
The guest of honour and the top brass head towards the Valedictory function area in academic gowns
The Commander-in-Chief President Jakaya Mrisho Kikwete conferes degrees and diplomas to the 30 graduands
The Commander-in-Chief President Jakaya Mrisho Kikwete conferes degrees and diplomas to the 30 graduands
The Commander-in-Chief President Jakaya Mrisho Kikwete at the high table with the top brass
Chief of Defence Forces General Davis Mwamunyange goes through the list of proceedinds
The high table
The 30 graduants all suited up for the veridiction
Commander-in-Chief President Jakaya Mrisho Kikwete confers the
institution's first Doctorate Degree in Security and Strategic Studies
on College Commandant Lieutenant General (engr) Jamaes Makakala
The graduands
College secretary reads of names of the graduants
Defence and National Service Minister Dr Hussein Mwinyi
Commander-in-Chief President Jakaya Mrisho Kikwete confers institution's
first Doctorate Degree in Security and Strategic Studies on College
Commandant Lieutenant General (engr) Jamaes Makakala
College Commandant Lieutenant General Jamaes Makakala invites the guest of honour to the podium to make his speech
The Commander-in-Chief President Jakaya Mrisho Kikwete addresses the function
A round of applause
National anthem is played to usher the end of the session
Another group photo in academic gowns
A typical scene at any higher learning institution
of defence Dr Hussein Mwinyi, Chief Secretary Amb. Ombeni Sefue and CDF
Gen Mwamunyange are invited to join in the group photo
A souvenir photo indeed
The guest of honour encourages the college commandant to take a group photo without him
The commandant, lecturers and the 30 graduands heed the call
"Job well done....congratulations", says President Kikwete as he shakes hands with the lecturers
More hand shakes...
The graduands congratulate each other
President Kikwete chats with some of the retired top brass
The guest of honour shares a light moment with some of the guest lecturers
CDF Gen. Mwamunyange shakes hands with Prof Lipumba who was one of the guest lecturers
All smiles as the guest of honour chats with the top brass before departure.
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