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Monday, March 17, 2014

FAIDIKA: Kuchukua mikopo ya biashara bila elimu ya ujasiriamali ni hatari

 FAIDIKA Chief Executive Officer Marion Moore (right) hands over a certificate to Margaret Yohana, an entrepreneur from Famasa Disabled Group who attended a two days " NAWEZA", a FAIDIKA free financial empowerment seminar held in Dar es Salaam end of the week. Left is co-author and project coordinator, Dr Ellen Otaru Okoedion.
 FAIDIKA Chief Executive Officer Marion Moore (right) hands over a certificate to Famasa Disabled Group Chairperson, Lillian Kabaliki, who was part of entrepreneurs  who attended a two days "NAWEZA", a FAIDIKA free financial empowerment seminar held in Dar es Salaam at the weekend. Center is VIBINDO Society Chairman Gaston Kikuwi.
 FAIDIKA Chief Executive Officer Marion Moore (center) speaks to a group of entrepreneurs from marginalized groups and local Tanzanians from the streets, who attended a two days "NAWEZA", a FAIDIKA free financial empowerment seminar held in Dar es Salaam at the weekend. Left is VIBINDO Society Chairman Gaston Kikuwi and right is Andrew Okallo, Project designer. 
  Director for Small Industries and Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) at the Ministry of Industry and Trade, Consolata Ishebabi, speaks to a group of entrepreneurs from marginalized groups and local Tanzanians from the streets, who attended a two days "NAWEZA", a FAIDIKA free financial empowerment seminar held in Dar es Salaam at the weekend. Left is VIBINDO Society Chairman Graston Kikuwi and right Emanuel Mwakyusa co-author of the training manual and moderator. 
One of the entrepreneurs (fourth right) who attended a two days"NAWEZA", a FAIDIKA free financial empowerment seminar held in Dar es Salaam at the weekend, being congratulated by the seminar moderators, organizers and sponsors.