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Friday, May 6, 2011


Make sure you attend as much periods as possible. This is very crucial, because Lecturers are the experienced people knows how to impart knowledge to students. They know the mental games that can make you grasp the points, facts and ideas. Why miss the class? Don’t do it.
Attending classes makes you get updated frequently in the manner that you will always be active in your studies. Missing the classes can risk your performance.
Some may ask, why to attend the class of the lecturer who has no capability to teach?
Actually, it is true that some lecturers are not qualified to teach. Better you attend the class so that you can have a chance to challenge the lecturer and teach him sometimes if needed.
In the college, not only students are the learners, but also the Lecturers. No one knows everything! Attend the classes frequently.
7.Never Cram
One day a best mathematic student was solving an Integration question in mathematics. The question was very short, but it took him a number of pages to get the solution, and he spent 10minutes to come to the conclusion. Another guy asked him for the solution of the same question and started cramming it, which took him 90minutes. Why cram?
Understanding the points, facts and principles will always make you creative in your life of study. Always think of “Why” and “How” questions to build your understanding capabilities. Just set your mind in such a way that, you need only to know “why” and “how” something is like how it is.
Try to challenge yourself on the “What-if” questions.. “What-if” is a discovery clause, which may lead you to discover or innovate new things. “What-if” I do this, what will happen?...
“Why-How” principle will always set you free. Once you know “Why-How” , you can explain a lot about something. Never cram, always reason about facts and principles. 
You need also to understand the difference between READING and STUDYING.. READING is just going through books with no conceptualization but STUDYING means going through books accompanied with CONCEPTUALIZATION. Mark the difference!!
8.Relevant Studying Books 
As the information technology is advancing, the book writers are increasing drastically. Some of them are ethical, others are just gold-diggers. Be careful when choosing a material to study. Some materials can really waste your time as they explain poorly about something. Choose books which are complete with much points you need and which can impart a good knowledge to you.
A book is a step Teacher!! I suppose that, book writers needs to have psychological manner of conceiving a fact and imparting it to the readers. A book writer, must know how to have a good point flow so as the knowledge can be imparted smoothly and clearly to students and readers.
If you don’t know about a nice book to study, try to find out from your lecturers or colleagues about it. Ask as many people as possible to let you know about the best book to study.
9.Never force to Study Out of Scope
There are different levels of studying. That is why, there is Undergraduate, Postgraduate etc. Some students are so curious to know things which are at highest levels, anyway, some are peculiar. Hope you do remember last year one guy from Malaysia (9 years old) was reported at BBC, that he developed Phone Software. It is true, some people are peculiar in the sense that their IQ’s (Intelligence quotients) are high and unique.
The point here is that, try to study the important things specific for your level of study, and never waste much of your time concentrating on advanced things which are at the highest levels.
It is good to go beyond the scope, but you have to be clear with the scope itself. Make sure you are familiar with the scope, then you can go beyond the scope.
10.Examination Principles
Exams are the ones which are used to prove yourself if you know things or not. They are used as a test for you for a particular qualification. In here, there are three basic exam principles. Two of them bases on student side, and one of them bases on Lecturers side (Correctors)..
The two basic principles on student side are:
One, Studying and understanding all the concepts : A student needs to study and understand properly the concepts taught during the phase of study. This point is influenced by the previous nine points mentioned above..
Two, A best manner of tackling questions in the exam room: While answering questions, a student needs to be careful. He can find that he knows the question, but the way he may use to answer perhaps wrong. He may have all the points about a particular questions but, failing to answer as required. For instance, there is a big difference between “Explain”, “Describe”, “Why”, “How”,”What”, “Outline” .. etc…
You can find a student instead of explaining “Why” he is explaining “How”. But all the points about the question are familiar to him. So, read the question properly and try to understand.
Always be specific in exams, answer concisely and precisely as per point. Never make noise in the answer sheet, be specific and never write a lot in order to use more additional papers, it will not help.
Students are adviced, to point out questions familiar to them and start answering. The point here is, never start answering the toughest questions in the exam..
The last exam principle, is on the Lecturer(Corrector) side. These are the one responsible for marking the answer sheets. A lecturer needs be flexible in the sense that, he is supposed to find out a point/concept being conceived by a student while answering. Sometimes a student may have a knowledge of many points as compared to the lecturer. If the points are unknown to the lecturer, then this is not a fact of giving a cross mark on the point. Rather, the Lecturer needs to find out the fact out of the point given by the student..
I am sure if this points are followed, someone must come up with something great!
Nothing Impossible Unless You decide so....

By Mdau John Gagah.

Osmania University.


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