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Sunday, May 2, 2010

President Kikwete opens 2nd TICAD Ministerial meeting in Arusha!!

Minister for Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation Bernard Membe(centre) introduces to President Jakaya Kikwete Japan Minister for Foreign Affairs Katsuya Okada shorly after the President arrived at Arusha International Conference Centre(AICC) to open the second TICAD Ministerial Follow up meeting this morning.
President Jakaya Kikwete delivers his opening speech during the 2nd TICAD Ministerial Follow meeting at AICC in Arusha this morning.

A cross section of participants to the 2nd TICAD Ministerial Follow up meeting at AICC this morning during the opening ceremony.

President Jakaya Mrisho Kikwete and Japanese Minister for Foreign Affairs Katsuya Okada arrives at Arusha International Conference Centre for the opening ceremony of the 2nd TICAD Ministerial meeting this morning(photos by Freddy Maro)


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