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Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Director of the ILO Tanzania visits and community groups vinavyonufaika ILO project Kyela districts in Mbeya and Tunduma.

Director of Regional Labour in Tanzania East Africa (ILO) mr. Alexio Musindo checking beverage type 'paw paw wine' and hand holding fruit type 'rozela' used to make 'juice' when he lipotembelea group Origins made up of people living with HIV Urban Kyela on date 2, April 2013 to find out their development. Origins Group is one of the social groups vinanvyonufaika and AIDS Project Economic empowerment through coordinated by ILO in passing through the main areas of Tanzania - Zambia. (Ie Chalinze, Ilula, Mafinga, Makambako, Kyela and Tunduma).
Chairman of the group Cha Ms. Sara Background Mwakinyuke he describes Brother Alexio Musindo, ILO Regional Director for East Africa in Tanzania about the kind of product use Rozela. He explained also among the products they make include a variety of natural plant moringa moringa which he said is used as it treats malaria medicine. His left is Chief Coordinator-General of the ILO in Tanzania Brother Anthony Rutabanzibwa was accompanied by Mukurugenzi of the ILO in the visit.
Among the items vilivyowashangaza ILO officials visited a group of Origins is Rozela plant and its fruit because of them have never seen the plant but its fruit being ready yameshahifadhiwa in packaging.Coupled with it is kind of snacks cassava cake which the Director of ILO East Africa was surprised after eating the cake how to cassava flour also can be made into a cake and it was sweet indeed!
Director of the ILO Regional East Africa in Tanzania Brother Alexio Musindo watching product type of flour called 'be satisfied' with a mixture of sorghum, soya nutrition, rice, groundnut and maize osindikwa and group of origin as a balanced diet that can be used by people of all ages, including people living with HIV and AIDS, the elderly and children
Chairman of the group's origins Bi. Sara Mwakinyuke he describes Brother Alexio Musindo, Mkururugenzi the ILO Regional East Africa in Tanzania on the various challenges faced by in generating income through the products they produce, including lack of packaging materials for the products they produce, not to participate in the exhibition National business and entrepreneurship and lack of adequate knowledge about the production of their products. Alexio Musindo brother promised to enable packaging and Kyela Governing Council through the Department of AIDS promise to enable participants in seven exhibition 2013 to be held in Dar es Salaam.
Chairman of the group of women entrepreneurs of Faith located in Mbeya Ms. Helene Sanga revealing something after visiting with Brother Alexio Musindo, Mkururugenzi the ILO Regional East Africa in Tanzania on tahere April 2, 2013 about the products they make kind of batik and the many challenges they face, including limited capital of the group in order to produce a variety of batik and participate in international trade fairs. Faith Group is one of the community groups and Cooperatives in Kyela vinavyonufaika and AIDS project and coordinated economic empowerment and ILO.
Secretary of Solidarity Group entrepreneurs in Kyela Mbeya Mr.Nazar Mwaipasi revealing about the development of the group including establishing SACCOS shortly after a visit by Brother Alexio Musindo, ILO Mkururugenzi the East African region in Tanzania on tahere April 2 2013.Bw. Nazar added that a group of Solidarity made up of women and young people of both sexes who are involved in private business and processing of foods such as palm oil, fish, recipes and trade of rice, was set up after training in entrepreneurship and AIDS made for women and youth through Project AIDS and economic empowerment of the ILO.
One of the areas of production of beverage called 'wine' in the group visited Brother Origins Alexio Musindo, Mkururugenzi ILO East Africa Region in Tanzania on tahere April 2, 2013. Musindo brother told women Origins Group that targets the ILO in helping women entrepreneurs is only possible when the government will have a consistent policy to help protect and empower economically then we get production will enable them income and social placed zitakazowalinda law.
Mkururugenzi the ILO Regional East Africa in Tanzania Brother Alexio Musindo (second left) bought some of the products produced and entrepreneurs living with HIV Origins in Kyela after visiting in the building louzia their products early on April 2, 2013 to determine the progress of the project on AIDS coordinated by the ILO in Kyela district. From right is Chief Development Officer of the District of Kyela a God brother Omari, Chief Coordinator-General of the ILO in Tanzania brother Anthony Rutabanzibwa, Assistant Project Coordinator ILO AIDS in Bi. Getrude Sima (left).
This building is owned by a group of Origins in Kyela District in Mbeya and the area is louzia their products where the director of the International Labour Organization in Musindo brother had the opportunity to visit on the date April 2, 2013. Call to ask donors including government Origins kuwaboreshea their working conditions so that they can produce quality products that meets the needs and get good competition in the market because it can increase income, employment and eliminate poverty.
ILO Mkururugenzi Eastern African country, Mr Alexio Musindo he shook hands with Kimbalu SACCOS Manager Aggrey Mwambije brother when he visited the office on the date April 2, 2013 to know the development of project beneficiaries with AIDS and economic empowerment coordinated by the ILO. Kimbalu SACCOS located at the border of Tanzania and Malawi (Kasumulu) in Kyela district and its members benefit from the project.
Listless with happy faces Kimbalu are members of SACCOS in the picture with the Director of the International Labour Organization in Tanzania brother Alexio Musindo immediately after receiving notification of the success of the project on the date April 2, 2013.Kimbalu SACCOS in 21 vibrant peer educators who received AIDS education through the ILO project on AIDS.
Director of the ILO in Tanzania he whispered something to the Personnel Officer of the City Council Tunduma Mrs. Younger.Deonisia Kafuka on their way to visiting groups and project vinanvyonufaika ILO AIDS and economic empowerment in on April 2, 2013. In this visit Brother Musindo also got the opportunity to do a session with officials of the Board where he got to know that Tunduma is a city that grows faster trade and also the problem of child labor is so great to call on the ILO and UNICEF, to see how they can help solve this problem.
Women's Peace Group 'A' that deals with the activities of food processing, weaving of mats and sheets and agriculture were also able to visit with the Director of the ILO in Tanzania. These Wakinamama received wasaaa to describe Director of the ILO in the country about the progress they earn through their activities in line with entrepreneurial training from the ILO through its educators.They were also able to identify changamaoto facing as loss of production equipment, including a sewing machine and limited capital. ILO country director promised that the ILO will further help them to overcome the situation of poverty and AIDS impacts.
Director of the International Labour Organization United Alexio Musindo brother being one of the factory's weaving of the group of Peace 'A' in Tunduma after visiting on on April 2, 2013. This group is one of a group of entrepreneurial education vilivyopokea inayotoelewa AIDS and the ILO under AIDS Project.
These are two of the sewing machine (sewing machines) owned by a group of Peace 'A' in Tunduma.
Director of the ILO also had the opportunity to meet with the leaders and some members of SACCOS to Tunduma Lulu which also benefits from the knowledge of AIDS ILO project. Lulu Tunduma SACCOS has a total of 9 vibrant peer educators trained through this project that develops training for their members.
Project to reduce the chances of contracting the AIDS virus and economic empowerment is a regional program funded by Sida aimed panagundulika help when there are problems.
Here in Tanzania for this program is directed at migrant workers in the border areas of Tanzania and Zambia.
Program has recognized individuals who are at risk of HIV infection easily and goal is to reduce the risk of spreading the infection to people through economic empowerment through Community Economic Organizations (SEOs).
These organizations have been formed and voluntary groups who tjadili things that felt.
The program aims to empower women and young men who can get HIV infection more easily.
Through the International Labour Organization (ILO) to Start and Improve Your Business, the project helps SEOs deliver services to their members both male and female.


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